F16 coating to offshore wind turbines
F16 coating expands the life of offshore wind turbines
Solar-gel technology: Gentoo was originally made for keeping fighter aircrafts clean. The Danish company Nordic Tech Solutions expect to gain market share in the offshore wind industry by introducing the Gentoo coating to the market for offshore wind.
Drip trays, hydrogen sulphide solutions, and other high tech solutions for the offshore industry was part of the excisting product portfolio of Nordic Tech Solutions, when the company was introduced to Gentoo, a new type of coating – originally made for F16 fighters.
“It was clear to us, that there was a link between Gentoo and the offshore industry, when our American sales partner introduced the coating as an opportunity for us,” Michael Nyegaard, co-owner of Nordic Tech Solutions, explains.
Scale-Up value
The Gentoo coating is based on a solar-gel technology. The estimated lifespan of the product is ten years, and it is currently being tested on turbine blades in collaboration with AeroNordic Denmark.
To reach new customers in the Danish and international offshore industry, Nordic Tech Solutions applied for a seat in offshore hub in Scale-Up Denmark – a training concept that accelerates entrepreneurs and small companies towards further growth.
“Our participation in Scale-Up Denmark’s offshore program has been a shortcut for our company. Through the process, we have gained access to some of the major players in the Danish offshore industry,” Mr. Nyegaard says.
He mentions his companies experienced advisory board as a key benefit from the accelerator program. The advisory board consists of experienced business leaders from the Danish energy sector; e.g. Niels Duedahl, CEO in SE, and Verner Andersen, VP for Operation Support, Semco Maritime. The latter points out Nordic Tech Solutions’ capability for focusing on their core business as key for the companies’ further success.
“Nordic Tech Solutions approach to doing business is all about value creation. They have a tight focus on the work that makes a difference in the development of the company, and that is highly important, if you want to scale a business to another level,” says Mr. Andersen.
Advisory Board for Nordic Tech Solutions:
Verner Andersen – Vice President Operations – Semco Maritime
Niels Hermansen -Head of Operations – SE Blue Renewables
Bent Johansen – Head of Generation Nordic – Vattenfall
Uffe Lundgaard – Business Consultant – Esbjerg Erhvervsudvikling
See the program here →
Making a difference
Coating fra F16-fly skal forlænge levetiden for havvindmøller
Sol-gel teknologi: Gentoo er en ny type overfladebehandling, der kan holde vand og skidt væk fra jagerfly – og nu også fra havvindmøller. Nordic Tech Solutions vil bryde lydmuren til markedet for offshore vind ved at deltage i Next Step Challenge 2018.
Det var egentlig meningen, at belægningen Gentoo skulle holde sand, mudder og vand væk fra amerikanske F16-jagerflys cockpit. Men da den amerikanske leverandør talte med den danske salgsvirksomhed, Nordic Tech Solution, blev det hurtigt klart, at Gentoo også havde potentiale i offshoreindustrien.
”Vi sælger i forvejen både spildbakker, svovlbrinteløsninger og mere højteknologiske produkter til offshoreindustrien og fandt derfor hurtigt koblingen, da vi talte med vores amerikanske samarbejdspartner om, hvad Gentoo kan bruges til”, fortæller Michael Nyegaard, der er medejer af Nordic Tech Solutions.
Scale-Up Denmark skaber værdi
Produktet, der er baseret på sol-gel-teknologien, har en estimeret levetid på op til ti år og er aktuelt under testfase mod erosion på havvindmøller i samarbejde med AeroNordic i Danmark. For blandt andet at øge antallet af potentielle offshorekunder i Danmark og udlandet har Nordic Tech Solutions meldt sig til 2018-udgaven af Next Step Challenge powered by Scale-Up Denmarks eliteprogram for offshore-virksomheder. Her får de hjælp af blandt andre Offshoreenergy.dk og SE Next Step til at ny nye kunder og kontakter i offshorebranchen. Det er en proces, der ifølge Michael Nyegaard skaber reel værdi for Nordic Tech Solutions.
”Forløbet er en åbning. Vi har fået direkte adgang til møder med de store spillere”, fortæller Michael Nyegaard, der også nævner de rådgivere, som Nordic Tech Solutions har mødt i Scale-Up, som en fantastisk hjælp.
Via Scale-Up Denmark har Nordic Tech Solutions fået et advisory board, og her sidder garvede aktører fra energisektoren, bl.a. Niels Duedahl, administrerende direktør i SE, og Verner Andersen, Vice President i Operation Support, Semco Maritime.
Sidstnævnte fremhæver Nordic Tech Solutions’ evne til at fokusere på kerneforretningen som en særlig kvalitet:
”Den approach, Nordic Tech Solutions har vist i scale-up-forløbet, vil bringe dem langt. De prioriterer og fokuserer på det, der skaber værdi – og det er en rigtig vigtig egenskab at have som ny virksomhed, der skal fremad”, siger Verner Andersen.
Advisory Boardet for Nordic Tech Solutions består af:
Verner Andersen – Vice President Operations – Semco Maritime
Niels Hermansen -Head of Operations – SE Blue Renewables
Bent Johansen – Head of Generation Nordic – Vattenfall
Uffe Lundgaard – Business Consultant – Esbjerg Erhvervsudvikling