Guide: Doing business in Denmark

Expert advice!
International companies considering doing business in Denmark: Download the guide from our partner Martinsen Accounting on the business environment and the legal framework in Denmark.
By joining the Next Step Challenge programs as an international company, you not only gain access to business development and advice from CXO’s in leading Danish companies – you also benefit from access to a number of legal advisors within Martinsen.
Find more details on the topics: Business forms, accounting requirements, audit requirements, establishment, corporate taxation, calculation of taxable income, taxation of individuals, value-added tax, withholding taxes.
Are you actually planning to set up a new business in Denmark, we recommend further professional assistance.
Download the publication hereAbout Martinsen
Martinsen was established in 1940 and has offices in the capital city of Denmark Copenhagen and in the cities of Esbjerg, Grindsted, Kolding, Odder, Skjern, Toerring, Vejen, Vejle and Aarhus.
The staff counts more than 200 employees, including 30 state authorized public accountants.
The size of Martinsen and the expertise of the partneres and staff are considerable, and they are able to manage all types of tasks for any kind and size of company.
At the same time, the firm is not too large, as they are still able to solve all tasks individually and in a close, personal co-operation with the clients. This ensures that the solutions are suited to the individual client’s needs and wishes and at the same time fit the companies’ size and trade line.
Visit Martinsen →
Martinsen cooperates with Next Step Challenge on accountant advice to the participating companies.
Do you have ambitions for your company? Be part of our 5-month business development program and be the next high-growth company in Denmark.