CasusGrill – The ecofriendly way of cooking.

Solving a pain in an existing market! The motivation came from something quite simple when Susanne & Carsten Nygaard Brøgger started the company CasusGrill. Solving the impractical and non-environmental friendly ways of cooking with an aluminum based disposable grill. So, the couple did what a lot of new companies do, they worked with a challenge in an existing market.
CasusGrill entered the Next Step Challenge program for several reasons, and so far, it has given them quite a lot.
“Most importantly we gain access to the knowledge of our advisory board. All members have quite the cv in the Experience Economy & Tourism industry, and we need to have our strategy, commercialization and market approach taken to a new level. The competition and the advisory board have without a doubt given us high quality sparring and they have challenged our way of approaching the industry” says Carsten Nygaard Brøgger, Founder of CasusGrill.

Hvordan kommer dit nye produkt på markedet? Gør som CasusGrill og få sparring fra Next Step Challenge
The founders have indeed made barbecuing on the go sustainable. Going from a aluminiumbased and non-sustainable number of choices on the shelves at the suppliers. To giving the crowd a 100 % recyclable disposable grill, where the heating is at a top level and the risk of burns are at an extremely low level.
They have closed a gap in the market, and their product is already available far and wide. As we speak they are active in countries such as Japan, Singapore and USA to mention a few.
But, going from a great idea and a company on a startup level, to scaling and developing a sustainable business is work in progress. They throw their heart and soul into the process, grabbing every challenge and advice and making a qualified run towards the top.
“We tend to spread our ressources a bit thin, and we needed the professional guidance to choose the right tracks. It is a challenge to change our approach, but it is a healthy for our team of 2 to jump in the helicopter and view our company, strategy and market approach from different angles. We highly recommend this journey in the Next Step Challenge program”. Susanne Nygaard Brøgger, Founder of CasusGrill.
About CasusGrill:
- Established in 2013 by Susanne & Carsten Nygaard Brøgger, Idea from 2009
- Winner of Danish Design Award 2017 in the Feel Good category
- Winner of Home & Trend Award 2017, Germany – Functionality, innovation, product use, resource conservation
- Winner of ACE Hardware Award USA – New to Consumer Market 2017/2018
- Winner of Vitapus Miljøprisen 2017, Denmark – CasusGrill has exemplified the respect for the environment in their work and made a special effort to the environment.
- Winner of 2 Awards the GIFT SHOW 2018, Japan for Best Sustainability Award and Best Press Award.
Corporate partners in the advisory board of CasusGrill:
Lars Bilde, CEO, Isabella Group
Lotte Eiskjær Andersen, Torvehalschef, Torvehallerne
Hans Barslund, Barslund Management
Visit the CasusGrill website right here
Read the article in Danish further down on the site!!
CasusGrill on the Next Step Challenge program - i.e. in Danish!
CasusGrill productvideo
CasusGrill – Den miljøvenlige engangsgrill

At løse et specifikt problem i et eksisterende marked. Motivationen til at starte CasusGrill kom fra en helt simpel bevæggrund, da Susanne & Carsten Nygaard Brøgger startede virksomheden. At løse den upraktiske og ikke miljøvenlige udfordring når man bruger en aluminiumsbaseret engangsgrill. Parret bag CasusGrill gjorde det rigtige, de tog livtag med en tydelig udfordring i et eksisterende marked – Præcis det mange råder nystartede virksomheder til.
CasusGrill gik ind i Next Step Challenge programmet af en række årsager, og indtil nu har de fået rigtig meget ud af det.
“Vigtigst af alt har vi fået adgang til den viden vores advisory board i programmet i høj grad besidder. Alle medlemmer har solide cv’er indenfor Oplevelseserhverv og turisme, og vi havde behov for at tage vores strategi, kommercialisering og markeds tilgang til et nyt niveau. Programmet og advisory boardet har uden tvivl givet os sparring af høj kvalitet fra dag 1, og de udfordrer vores tilgang til industrien på en enormt givtig måde”. Siger Stifter af CasusGrill Carsten Nygaard Brøgger.
Parret bag CasusGrill har i den grad gjort det at grille “on the go” bæredygtigt. Fra en verden hvor de velkendte, ikke bæredygtige aluminiumsfolie engangsgrill var det vi kunne vælge på hylderne. Får kunderne nu en 100 % genanvendelig grill, hvor varmefordelingen er i top og risikoen for at brænde sig er nærmest ikke eksisterende.
Hvis man selv har sat foden i sandet hvor en ”gammeldags” engangsgrill har stået, så ved man præcis hvad der tales om.
CasusGrill har lukket et hul i markedet, og deres produkt kan allerede nu købes i flere lande. Pt. er virksomheden på markedet i lande som Japan, Syd Korea og USA m.fl. For nyligt vandt de 2 Awards ved the GIFT SHOW 2018, Japan – Best Sustainability Award and Best Press Award.
Men at gå fra en god ide og en virksomhed på startup niveau, til skalering, vækst og ikke mindst en bæredygtig forretningsmodel er konstant ”work in progress”. Det er nu engang vilkårene hvis man vil lykkedes, og parret bag virksomheden lægger både hjerte og sjæl i alle elementer i processen. De griber alle udfordringer, benytter den rådgivning de får og knokler for et kvalificeret sprint mod vækst og udvikling af CasusGrill.
“Vi har en tendens til at ville det hele på engang, det er nok ret klassisk for iværksættere. Derfor har vi brug for rådgivning for at udvælge færre og de helt rigtige spor at satse på. Det er en stor udfordring, at angribe sin egen overbevisning. Men det er både sundt og nødvendigt for vores team på 2, at springe op i helikopteren og se vores virksomhed, strategi og markeds tilgang fra andre vinkler. Vi kan klart anbefale rejsen i Next Step Challenge programmet til andre!” Susanne Nygaard Brøgger stifter af CasusGrill.
Om CasusGrill:
- Idepåfund i 2009, af Susanne & Carsten Nygaard Brøgger
- Vinder af Danish Design Award 2017 i Feel Good kategorien
- Vinder af Home & Trend Award 2017, Germany – Functionality, innovation, product use, resource conservation
- Vinder af ACE Hardware Award USA – Prisen for New to Consumer Market 2017/2018
- Vinder af Vitapus Miljøprisen 2017, Denmark – CasusGrill has exemplified the respect for the environment in their work and made a special effort to the environment.
- Vindere af 2 Awards ved the GIFT SHOW 2018, Japan – Best Sustainability Award and Best Press Award.
Besøg CasusGrill website lige her
Corporate partners i advisory board for CasusGrill:
Lars Bilde, CEO Isabella Group
Lotte Eiskjær Andersen, Torvehalschef, Torvehallerne
Hans Barslund, Barslund Management ApS