ATsolar is high growth from Sønderborg
No matter if you are a company, a municipality, housing assocoation or a private household:
ATsolar from Sønderborg is a full supplier of solar power plants in all sizes and they have through the years build some of the largest plants in Denmark. The success is a fact, as ATsolar has already reached their 2018 growth targets, only half way through the year.
“In the beginning we doubted that we would benefit from all the time we had to spend in the Next Step Challenge program, however, now we know that it is worth it!,” explains Nicolai Andresen, Managing Director in ATsolar.
The advisory board for ATsolar has helped identifien the best growth markets and prooftesting the strategies. The bord consists of a number of business experts and these corporate partners:
Jørgen Nielsen – Udviklingsdirektør – Dansk Fjernvarme (tidl. Vattenfall)
Carl-Erik Vesterager – VP Energy & Utility, Site Manager – KMD Business.

Uanset om der er tale om en virksomhed, en kommune, en boligforening eller en privat kunde, så er et solcelleanlæg altid en god investering. Sønderborg-virksomheden ATsolar er totalleverandør af solcelleanlæg i alle størrelser og har endda bygget nogle af landets største anlæg. Succesen er til at tage at føle på hos ATsolar, der allerede midt i 2018 har nået hele årets vækstmål.
“Vi var meget skeptiske overfor, hvorvidt al den tid vi skulle investere i Next Step Challenge var det værd, men nu er vi slet ikke i tvivl! Det er helt klart en fordel for alle virksomheder at få strategien trykprøvet igen, og for os har det betydet at vi har fået identificeret hvilke markeder vi skal satse på, for at opnå den største vækst fremover,” forklarer Nicolai Andresen, Managing Director i ATsolar.
Se Programmet for Energieffektive Teknologier